A couple of months ago, Dave Winer brought out 1999.io, a new blogging system.
As I've chronicled for more than a decade (and noted on my about page), I read Dave's Scripting News daily, and I attempt to follow and implement most of his software. For example, I'm running River5 for the Duke River.
I'm loyal to Textpattern as my blog CMS, but 1999 promised to be just the simple, let-the-ideas flow writing tool I have needed (I was on a blogging and social media sabbatical for two years, started blogging again last November, but am struggling to get writing).
When I set up 1999 on my own server last month, I quickly discovered that 1999 helped me get over the hurdle.
I'm really liking 1999, and I'm really liking blogging again.