Site updates
by Anton Zuiker Friday, August 5, 2016

 This is the weekend for more blogging, and I'll be digging into the 1999 updates I've planned for too long.

  • The publishing callback is working, and we can read this blog at (Can't recall if that will reflect live edits. I don't expect it to. Holy cow, it did. 1999 is awesome! )
  • Next is to customize the editor. Done. I changed the productName to BlogTogether.
  • Then to stylize the template.
  • Then to set the Google Analytics ID. Done, though I may not have GA configured correctly to watch for a subdomain.
  • Create a glossary. Done. Testing: Zuiker Chronicles is still my main blog.
  • Add Disqus comments. Done.
  • Then to write a story every day.